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Published: 2019-12-18


Qiao, Yun

Lecturer in Linguistics

Assistant to the Dean

Department of International Chinese Education

School of Chinese Language and Literature

Beijing Normal University


Educational Background

From Sep-2011 to Feb-2017

PhD, major in Languages, Texts and Contexts, Department of General Linguistics and Literary Theory, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, University of Granada, Spain.

From Sep-2005 to Jul-2008

MA, major in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL), School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, China.

From Apr-2001 to Mar-2002

Exchange student, attended the Japanese Language & Culture Program in Hokkaido University of Education, Sapporo, Japan.

From Sep-1998 to Mar-2001 and from Apr-2002 to Jul-2002

BA, major in Teaching of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Harbin Normal University, China.

Work Experience

From Jan-2010 to Jul-2014

Lecturer, Confucius Institute, University of Granada, gave Chinese Mandarin Courses, Intensive Chinese Courses, Communicative Chinese Language Courses, etc. to Spanish students and international students.

From Jun-2008 to Jan-2010

Teaching Secretary, School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, coordinated the teaching management of Chinese language courses for international students and of special programs for students from Stanford University, Yale University, West Point, Cambridge University, Oxford University, ICO, etc.

From Mar-2006 to Jan-2010

Teaching Assistant, School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, taught a wide range of Chinese language courses to international students. Courses taught include: Intermediate Reading Course to Norwegian students from Oslo University, Elementary Spoken Mandarin Course to CIEE students from US, Advanced Tutorial Course taught online to Japanese students of Waseda University, etc.

In Jul-2004 and Jul-2005

Team leader, designed criteria, supervised and revised the team work for the assessment of the Test of Chinese Subject for Minority Students of Heilongjiang Province in the Chinese College Entrance Examination.

From Jul-2002 to Aug-2005

Assistant librarian in the Library of Harbin Normal University, devoted to the research of the ancient books.

Research Expertise and Interest

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Cognitive Approach to Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary, Lexical-semantic Typology

Publications and Academic Participations

Embodied Cognition and Chinese Language Learners’ Metaphor Identification, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2018, Responsible investigator.

Evolución y estructura del léxico chino: un enfoque cognitivo, 2017, Granada: Granada Lingvistica.

Onomatopeyas del chino moderno, Araucaria: Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades, Vol. 18 (35) (2016): 217-229.

Cultural Factors in Semantic Extension: A Typological Perspective on Chinese Polysemy, Language Design: Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics, Vol. 17 (2015): 111-144.

El instituto Confucio y la enseñanza del chino en España, conference presented in the “III Simposio internacional de actualización en tendencias y disciplinas lingüísticas”, Granada, December 2015.

El aprendizaje y la enseñanza del vocabulario chino, in Ciruela Alférez, Juan José (ed.), Aprender y enseñar chino: jornadas académicas sobre la lengua china y su enseñanza, 219-233, 2014, Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada. Conference presented in the “I Jornadas Académicas sobre la lengua china y su enseñanza”, Granada, April 2011.

Learn Chinese through Music,歌で学ぶ中国語(English-Japanese Translation), 2009, Beijing 北京: World Publishing Corporation 世界图书出版公司.


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